Scripture Cards-അഭിഷേകമുള്ള വചനങ്ങൾ

Pick a card for the life-area or situation you want a blessing. Read the verse a few times until you get some insights or inspirations. For great results, reflect on the verse using the questions given in 1-minute meditation. You could also send Scripture Cards to a friend in need.

Scripture Cards on God’s promises and blessings

  1. For success or victory
  2. For abundance | For an amazing life
  3. For healing
  4. For strength (when you feel weak or helpless)
  5. For protection (in travel, in fearful situations) | from enemies
  6. For hope | in suffering | setbacks | obstacles
  7. For spiritual growth | prayer in faith | Holy Spirit

God’s words

  1. To improve relationships
  2. To release hurt | worry | stress | anger
  3. To overcome fears | temptations, cravings
  4. For a purpose-filled life | renewal | feel gratitude | gain wisdom | Joy & Peace
  5. Reflect on God’s love | unity & harmony | Christian way of life | warning signs
  6. Tips for success | abundance |
  7. The most powerful & versatile tool: Word of God

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